Finding Our Roots
Author: Ghostpipe
We've been playing together for, nearly two years now, and the guys were talking the other day, why don't we find out what our roots are? What kind of music do we really dig? It turns out all of us really liked Maroon 5's latest single, Makes Me Wonder. Funky up-beat, 80s retro, disco drumbeat and a mellowish but nevertheless catchy tune.
I'm gonna look for the tabs, we're gonna try this song.
In the meantime, Jane was almost a success in the last jamming session. Almost.
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Diary of Jane - We Almost Played It
Author: Ghostpipe
Yep, we almsot played the song, almost being the operative word here. Dom the drummer was the key person, by ensuring we could actually listen AND follow the 4/4/ beat, we were well in the way of actually playing an audible version of the song.
Next week we shall try again.
Trying to play Jane
Author: Ghostpipe
We've been trying to play Breaking Benjamin's Diary of Jane for the past few weeks, but have been failing miserably every time. I think we're trying to outdo each other's noise levels and playing skills, hence contributing to much disdain in our efforts. Tonight, unlike other Monday nights for the last few weeks where we've spent almost the entire hour trashing about hoping to get it right, we will do things on a quieter scale so that we can actually hear each other playing. Which should have been the way right from the start. Too ambitious, Dom said. We'll still play it with the drop A# tuning as per Benjamin's way of playing.
No indication of us trying to finish our recording anytime soon for the last 2 songs. Damn, it's middle of the year already, things have to move faster.
Kickspace in the Jamming studio
Author: Ghostpipe
It's been quite a while since I last posted anything. Rather busy lately, the guys too. This photo was actually taken sometime middle of last year, at the studion where we alwys jam (ground floor Medan Pelita). L to R: Clement (bass), Alvin (vocals, guitars), Henry - that's me - (guitars), Dominic (drums). Alvin's using a nice mahogany Washburn N2 copy, I'm just using a Squier Tele.
OK we haven't really finished recording all of our 5 songs. 2 more to go, have to finish it very soon. Updates on this later.